Test and Tag Brisbane north

What does a Test and Tag cover?

The aim of test and tag is to determine if an appliance or tool is electrically safe for use. Our north Brisbane Electricians perform a visual inspection for any defects, such as damage or missing components and also perform a series of electrical tests to determine earth continuity, insulation resistance and polarity. Once the testing is complete, the appliance is tagged or labelled. Test and tag is performed to minimise the risk of electrical accidents in the workplace and is a handy way of documenting your electrical safety systems for your workplace's Risk Assessment.

Looking for an electrician to do your test and tag?

Our electricians are electrical safety experts

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Why test and tag?

A testing and tagging help keep everyone in the workplace safe; staff, management, customers and the general public. Whether you operate a retail store, kitchen, factory or construction site, electrical safety is the Manager’s responsibility; this includes assessing the safety of portable appliances or tools that may be brought onto site by your staff.

Each piece of equipment must be inspected by qualified electricians and undergo a test and tag at regular intervals. A record of these tests should then be kept as part of your OH&S risk management documentation. The documenting of the test and tag, is necessary to protect your business for the following reasons:

  • avoiding the risk of fines or imprisonment that may be applicable for a breach of the electrical safety laws,
  • helps keep your insurance premiums at a minimum,
  • ensures your insurance is not voided because you didn't comply with electrical safety laws,
  • helps you keep track of your electrical assets.

Brisbane test and tag regulations

The current Workplace Health and Safety regulations state that all appliances located in a ‘hostile’ operating environment must be inspected and undergo a test and tag regularly, performed by a competent person and a record maintained of the testing. A hostile environment is one that is exposed to:

  • heat,
  • dust,
  • moisture,
  • corrosion,
  • abrasion or
  • vibration.

Any equipment that is not located in the above environments should still be subject to a documented risk assessment, which may recommend the testing and tagging of the appliance. For example, badly designed office work stations with leads on the floor, kitchens and tea rooms, training rooms and manufacturing environments. There are specific codes of practice for the construction industry which also specify mandatory testing and tagging of portable electrical appliances.

The Workplace Health and Safety regulations also state that all circuits operating in a ‘hostile’ environment must be protected by an electrical safety switch. The electrical safety switch must then be tested regularly in accordance with the Australian Standard, AS/NZS 3760:2010.

Looking for a Brisbane northside test and tag electrician for your workplace?

Trusted Solar Air Electrical's licenced electricians can carry out all your test and tag obligations throughout Brisbane north, Redcliffe, Caboolture and the Sunshine Coast.